The project:
A farm style garden wedding
The advantage:
A bride that likes everything
The challenge:
a bride that likes everything
I knew this would prove to be a lovely wedding, but initially I didn’t realize how challenging it would be. With dahlias being the bride’s signature flower, my curiosity regarded the color palate. As we toured the Fall City dahlia garden, I quickly discovered that she liked all colors and flowers. You name it; she loved it—from corally peach cactus dahlias to fiery red orange bi-colors to deep burgundy waterlily dahlias to giant sunflowers and everything in-between, this lady loved it all. With each row of gorgeous dahlias we walked, she continued to add another favorite (I like that and I like that and I like that). My challenge: to harmonize the very wide variety she liked.
The solution—themes
Since she requested that each table be donned with two centerpieces, going with table themes allowed me to incorporate the many colors she liked without putting them so close that they would clash. To further create that farm style she was looking for, local apples, blackberries and grapes (from the bride’s yard) were gathered and creatively harmonized with similar dahlia colors.The result—to quote a guest—a Garden of Eden experience. I can’t think of a better complement.